THIS pleasant meath, O Indra, is effused for thee: thou art the ruling Lord of beaker and of juice. Bestow upon us wealth with many hero sons: thou, having glowed with Fervour, wonnest heavenly light.
Let us call Śakra to libations here effused, winner of light who joyeth in the potent juice. Mark well this sacrifice of ours and come to us: we pray to Maghavan the Vanquisher of hosts.
By royal Soma's and by Varuṇa's decree, under Bṛhaspati's and Anumati's guard, This day by thine authority, O Maghavan, Maker, Disposer thou! have I enjoyed the jars.
1, too, urged on, have had my portion, in the bowl, and as first Prince I drew forth this my hymn of praise, When with the prize I came unto the flowing juice, O Viśvāmitra, Jamadagni, to your home.