May Bhāratī with all her Sisters, Iḷā accordant with the Gods, with mortals Agni,
Sarasvatī with all her kindred Rivers, come to this grass, Three Goddesses, and seat them.

Well pleased with us do thou, O God, O Tvaṣṭar, give ready issue to our procreant vigour,
Whence springs the hero, powerful, skilled in action, lover of Gods, adjuster of the press-stones.

Send to the Gods the oblation, Lord of Forests, and let the Immolator, Agni, dress it.
He as the truer Priest shall offer worship, for the God'sgenerations well he knoweth.

Come thou to us, O Agni, duly kindled, together with the potent Gods and Indra.
On this our grass sit Aditi, happy Mother, and let our Hail! delight the Gods Immortal.