Now lying far away, Child of two Mothers, he wanders unrestrained, the single youngling.
These are the laws of Varuṇa and Mitra. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Child of two Mothers, Priest, sole Lord in synods, he still precedes while resting as foundation.
They who speak sweetly bring him sweet addresses. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Deep within these the hoary envoy pierceth; mighty, he goeth to the realm of splendour,
And looketh on us, clad in wondrous beauty. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Ye, variant Pair, have made yourselves twin beauties: one of the Twain is dark, bright shines the other;
And yet these two, the dark, the red, are Sisters. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Where the two Cows, the Mother and the Daughter, meet and give suck yielding their lordly nectar,
I praise them at the seat of law eternal. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Loud hath she lowed, licking the other's youngling. On what world hath the Milch-cow laid her udder?
This Iḷā streameth with the milk of Order. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Within a wondrous place the Twain are treasured: the one is manifest, the other hidden.
One common pathway leads in two directions. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.

Rich in their gifts for thee are herbs and waters, and earth brings all her wealth for thee, O Indra.
May we as friends of thine share goodly treasures. Great is the Gods’ supreme and sole dominion.