May they who lavish gifts bestow those treasures: may Rodasī and Varuṇānī listen. May he, with the Varūtrīs, be our refuge, may bountiful Tvaṣṭar give us store of riches.
So may rich Mountains and the liberal Waters, so may all Herbs that grow on ground, and Heaven, And Earth accordant with the Forest-Sovrans, and both the World-halves round about protect us.
To this may both the wide Worlds lend approval, and Varuṇa in heaven, whose Friend is Indra. May all the Maruts give consent, the Victors, that we may hold great wealth in firm possession.
May Indra, Varuṇa, Mitra, and Agni, Waters, Herbs, Trees accept the praise we offer. May we find refuge in the Marut's bosom. Protect us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.