Thronging together, (worship) for your protection Indra full of might and the revealer of wealth; (worship him), chanting the Bṛhat-sāman at his sacrifice where the Soma is effused, I invoke him as (men invoke) abeneficent master of a household.

He, the handsome-jawed, whom, inthe intoxication of the Soma, the fierce (demons) withstand not, north firm gods, nor mortal (men)-- who confers glorious wealth on him who reverently praises him, offers the Soma and sings hymns.

Bearer of the thunderbolt, invoked of many, radiant, drinker of the Soma, be present at our libations foryour exhilaration; for you are an abundant giver of desirable wealth to him who utters your praises and effusesthe Soma.

Today and yesterday we have here refreshed him, the thunderer; bring to him today our libation effusedfor (success in) battle; let him now hasten here on hearing our praise.