Thou, of whom having drunk the Steer acts like a steer. drinking of this that finds the light, He, Excellently Wise, is come to strengthening food, to spoil and wealth like Etaśa.
He who from out the rocky cavern took with might the redmrefulgent watery Cows, Thou masterest the stable full of kine and steeds: burst it, brave Lord, like one in mail.
Increaser of the water, Steer with thousand streams, dear to the race of Deities; Who born in Law hath waxen mighty by the Law, King, God, and lofty Ordinance.
Roll onward to the bowls, O Mighty One, effused, as Prince supporter of the tribes. Pour on us rain from heaven, send us the waters' flow: incite our thoughts to win the spoil.
The Mighty One was born Immortal, giving life, lightening darkness with his shine. Wcll-praised by. sages he hath. by his wondrous power assumed the Threefold as his robe.
He whom our Indra and the Marut host shall drink, Bhaga shall drink with Aryarnan, By whom we bring to us Mitra and Varuṇa and Indra for our great defence.